showing 4 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downward
Star Control: Famous Battles of the Ur-Quan Conflict Ballistic (Ballistic;Toys for Bob)1991labelimagesubject
Alien³ (Alien 3) Acclaim Entertainment (Probe Software)1993labelimagesubject
Dune II: Battle for Arrakis (Dune II: The Building of a Dynasty;Dune: The Battle for Arrakis;Dune: Kampf um den Wustenplaneten;Dune 2) Virgin (Westwood Studios)1993labelimagesubject
Battletech: A Game of Armored Combat (MechWarrior 3050;Battletech) Extreme Software;Activision (FASA Corporation;Malibu Graphics)1994labelimagesubject